ISSN : 2663-2187

Luxury brand consumption among millennials and Gen Z on an exploration of motivations, preference for clothing brands

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D.Manoj , Dr. M. K. Badrinarayanan
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.5940-5956


This research investigates the motivations and brand preferences driving luxury clothing consumption among Millennials and Gen Z. With the evolving consumer landscape and the increasing influence of digital media, understanding the unique behaviors of these cohorts is imperative for luxury brands to tailor their marketing strategies effectively. Through a mixed-methods approach combining qualitative interviews and quantitative surveys, this study aims to uncover the underlying factors shaping the consumption patterns of Millennials and Gen Z in the luxury fashion sector. By analyzing data on perceived brand value, social status, selfexpression, and sustainability concerns, this research seeks to provide insights into the complex interplay of motivations driving the selection of luxury clothing brands. The findings will contribute to both academic literature and industry practices, informing marketing strategies that resonate with the values and preferences of these influential consumer segments.

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