ISSN : 2663-2187

Management Of Miller Class III Gingival Recession With Gingival Unit Graft Alone And Gingival Unit Graft With PRF Glue In Lower Anterior –A Case Series

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Vishnuvarthan Ganapathy, Dheeraj S, Nilofer Farjana Habeeb Rahman, Anitha Balaji, Ranjith Mari
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024. 463-471


Gingival recession, characterized by the exposure of root surfaces due to the apical displacement of the gingival margin, poses challenges such as root hypersensitivity and aesthetic concerns. Various treatment options exist, including free gingival grafts and connective tissue grafts. But achieving root coverage in Miller class III recession defects remains challenging due to interproximal bone and soft tissue loss. Gingival unit (GU) grafts offer a promising solution, leveraging site-specific vascular supply to facilitate root coverage. This case report explores the clinical efficacy of gingival unit ,grafts in managing Miller III recession defects and evaluates the role of injectable platelet-rich fibrin (iPRF) to facilitate wound healing. GU grafts were harvested from the palatal aspect of maxillary premolars and adapted onto recipient beds at the cement-enamel junction. Injectable platelet-rich fibrin (iPRF) was utilized to enhance wound healing at donor sites. All three cases showed successful healing at both donor and recipient sites without complications. Patient 1 achieved complete root coverage at tooth 31 with significant improvements in keratinized tissue width and vestibular depth. Patient 2 exhibited partial root coverage at teeth 41 and 31, while Patient 3 achieved complete marginal recession coverage but experienced interdental papillary loss post- surgery. Despite this, the overall outcomes demonstrated the effectiveness of surgical interventions in addressing gingival recession and achieving desirable root coverage and tissue augmentation.

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