ISSN : 2663-2187

Microbial Metabolic Reprogramming in Waste Decomposition

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Susinjan Bhattacharya, Soma Mukherjee
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.5579-5588


Metabolic reprogramming refers to the adoption of altered metabolism depending on the changed environment. Waste matter with its varied composition harbours different microbial flora and fauna which changes with the progress of decomposition of waste material. This change, or evolution also depends on the different intermediate, tertiary and secretory products that are formed with the process of decomposition. Certain molecules, like application of compost, or biochar drives microbial metabolic reprogramming in decomposing environment, but finally leads to the initiation of a manifold beneficial activities. The work here aims to study at the effect of inducer, or enhancer material, called here as ‘effector material’ in microbial metabolic reprogramming and waste decomposition. Metabolic reprogramming will also help in bioprospecting of microorganisms in terms of diversified or specific functions, apart from working with a greener agriculture, and prediction of global terrestrial carbon models and ecosystem responses to climate changes.

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