ISSN : 2663-2187

Odontoma Mimicking Flowerhorn - A Rare Entity

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Ashik A Ahamed, Lokesh Bhanumurthy , Jedidiah Abisheg Fredrick , Mohammed Z Hassain , Arun S Divakar , Balakrishna R
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.6487-6496


Odontomas are the most prevalent odontogenic tumors that are frequently diagnosed during routine radiography and are typically asymptomatic. These are mostly detected in the mandibular posterior region. It is uncommon for an odontome to erupt into the mouth cavity. The current case of composite compound odontoma, located in the maxillary posterior region is particularly noteworthy since it is exposed in the oral cavity, is associated with an impacted third molar and second molar agenesis, and is entirely asymptomatic.

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