ISSN : 2663-2187

Physical Fitness and Motivational Dynamics of North East Indian Collegiate Volleyball and Basketball Players

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Kelungleuyile , Bapan Debnath, Sumanta Daw, Subhashis Biswas
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.4924-4933


The study aim to investigates the physical fitness and motivational dynamics of North East Indian collegiate volleyball (n=20) and basketball (n=20) players. Selected physical fitness parameters along with motivational dynamics were assessed using the Sports Motivational Scale (SMS-28). Statistical analyses revealed that significant differences have been found in speed between volleyball (9.72±1.07) and basketball (8.92±1.19) players (p=0.048), whereas no significant differences were found in strength endurance (p=0.393), agility (p=0.867) and power (p=0.513) between volleyball and basketball players. With no significant difference in motivation dynamics, the study explored relationships among various motivational sub-scale and physical fitness parameters. The findings indicate that the intermittent activity pattern of basketball game contributes to a significant difference in speed, in comparison with volleyball players. In case of other physical fitness parameters and motivational dynamics, it becomes apparent that both sports involve analogous levels of strength endurance, agility, power, and collective motivations for personal advancement, team achievement, external acknowledgment, rewards, pursuit of mastery within both sporting domains. The study provides valuable insights into the distinct profiles of volleyball and basketball players in the North East Indian collegiate context, contributing to the understanding of athlete characteristics and informing personalised training and motivational strategies for optimal performance.

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