ISSN : 2663-2187

Phytochemical Screening and Study of Antioxidant, Antibacterial, Antifungal activities for the ethanolic leaf extract of Tinospora Cordifolia

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Manuri Brahmayya, V. Sai Ram, T. Shyamala, G. Triveni, D. Munikumar , V. V. Sai Deepak, D. S. Silpa, K. Satish Kumar , M.V.Murali Krishna, D. Samsonu*, K.Santhoshi
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024. 2694-2707


Natural products with medicinal importance are slowly gaining prominent objective in clinical research due to their well-known assets of no side effects as compared to drugs. Tinospora cordifolia (Tc) most commonly named as “Guduchi” is known for its huge application in healing of a variety of diseases in the traditional medicine literature. Now a day, the finding active organic components from the medicinal plants and their biological functions in infectious diseases control has been led to an active interest in the plants across the World. Our current study in this work was initially, collected the plant at historical campus Andhra University, Visakhapatnam City surroundings (Located in the region Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh, India). The Herbarium has been prepared and authenticated. The shade dried leafs were being powdered and extracted with the ethanol using Soxhlet apparatus. The crude extract has been tested for GC-MS, FT-IR analysis and then tested for the detection of active components. Later, the ethanolic leaf extract has been tested for its Phytochemical, antioxidant, antimicrobial and antifungal properties. The crude extract had showed potential and antioxidant and antimicrobial properties.

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