ISSN : 2663-2187

“Phytotherapy for Renal protection: A review of Herbal Nephroprotectors”

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Dr. Archana Gorle Ingle , Dr. Deepak Pokharkar , Dr Sonali Sonulkar. Darpan Falak, Aaliya Naik, Anant Dhuri
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.6166-6181


The prevalence of kidney disease is 10–12% worldwide, and as people age, conditions like diabetes and hypertension increase. These lead to renal disorders such as Glomerulonephritis, Hydronephrosis, Nephrolithiasis, Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). The balance of metabolites, electrolytes, and other substances required for the regular functioning of most organs is maintained by the kidneys, which are vital organs. Apart from preserving blood's ability to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide via erythropoietin-regulated erythropoiesis, appropriate kidney function manages acid-base and mineral equilibrium, controls the equilibrium of salt, potassium, and water to manage blood pressure, and enhances metabolism in general by means of gluconeogenesis. In contemporary times, herbal medications have gained popularity for their ability to prevent and treat various diseases, owing to the toxicity of synthetic combinations. This review focuses on potent methods of utilizing herbs or herbal extracts to ease urogenital issues, hence improving the prevention and treatment of common kidney ailments. Researchers looking into complementary and alternative medicine may also use it as a filter to discover how kidney disorders, such as chronic kidney failure (CKD), are being treated with plant-based medicines.

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