ISSN : 2663-2187

Potential of Red Dragon Fruit Skin Waste (Hylocereus Pyrhyzus) As An Alternative Dyeing Substitute For Eosin In Coloring Hookworm Eggs

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Zuriani Rizki , Darmawati , Siti Hadijah , Wiwit Aditama , Safridha Kemala Putri
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.6798-6804


The dragon fruit peel is waste, but it has many uses. The dragon fruit peel includes phenolics, phytoalbumin, alkaloids, terpenoids, flavonoids, thiamine, betalains, phenylpropanoids, triterpenes, sterols, and fatty acids. The pigment called betalain is responsible for the red hue of the skin of red dragon fruit. Reddish-violet-coloured betacyanin and yellow-coloured betaxanthin combine to form the nitrogen-containing pigment known as betalain. Using the native eosin reagent is the simplest method for examining Hookworm worm eggs. Since the eosin dye and the dye found in dragon fruit peel are similar, this study aims to determine whether the waste from dragon fruit peel could be used to examine Hookworm eggs instead of the more costly and challenging-to-get eosin reagent. This study aims to ascertain whether the waste from dragon fruit peels can be utilized in place of eosin when examining Hookworm eggs under a microscope.This study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Along with comparing the efficacy of eosin dye and dragon fruit peel waste in the lengthy drying process, this study attempts to ascertain the potential of red dragon fruit peel waste (Hylocereus polyrhyzus) as a substitute dye for eosin in Hookworm egg colouring. In addition to collecting stool samples in Gampong Jawa, Banda Aceh, This study was conducted at the Microbiology Laboratory, Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, Aceh Health Polytechnic, Ministry of Health. In this study, the juice from 100% dragon fruit peel waste was used in place of 2% eosin to observe Hookworm worm eggs under a microscope and compare the drying times of the reagent between eosin and dragon fruit peel waste. Proceed to observe after doing this three times. Then, the T-test was used to analyze the data. Compared to the eosin control reagent, which dries in just 7.34 minutes when used for worm egg staining, dragon fruit peel waste has an average drying time of 9.21 minutes, making it a viable substitute reagent for examining hookworm eggs. Waste from dragon fruit peels can be used as a substitute reagent when analyzing hookworm eggs. There was a noticeable difference in drying times between the treatment of waste from dragon fruit peel and the eosin control.

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