ISSN : 2663-2187

Prevalence And Anatomical Study of Arches Of The Foot Deformities In Pakistani Laborers.

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Zahid Sarfaraz , Muhammad Qaseem, Waqas Ali,Saad Ahmed, Nighat Ara
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.5174-5181


Background: Abnormalities in the arches of the foot, including the flat and high ones, are typical among the labor force because the physical job requires much effort. Therefore, knowledge concerning the frequency of such deformities and their location will facilitate the search for prevention and treatment measures. Objectives: Identify the incidence of foot arch deformities in Pakistani laborers and examine the anatomical features of the mentioned deformities. Study Design: A Cross-sectional Study. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Anatomy with collaboration of Orthopedic Qazi Hussain Ahmad Medical Complex Nowshera (QHAMC) from 05 Dec 2022 to 30 May 2023 Methods Results Conclusion The present study was a descriptive, cross-sectional study carried out at the Department of Anatomy and Orthopedic Qazi Hussain Ahmad Medical Complex Nowshera (QHAMC), and the participants included 75 patients who were laborers from different industries. Information was obtained through clinical assessment involving physical measurements, foot X-ray, and foot arches height and length determination. Data analysis was performed with the help of the SPSS version 24. 0. This study involved 75 laborers of age 20-60 years with a mean age of 38 years. Out of the total patients, flat feet were seen in 30% (22 patients), high arched feet were seen in 20% (15 patients), and standard arched feet were seen in 50% (38 patients). Flat feet were more familiar with construction workers, 40%, while high arches were more familiar with agricultural workers, 25%. Anatomical measurements revealed that in flat feet, there was a decrease in arch height and an increase in foot length, while there was an increase in arch height and a decrease in foot length in high-arched feet. The paper draws attention to a relatively high rate of foot arch deformities in Pakistani subjects with labor occupations, including planovalgus deformity among construction workers and cavus deformity among agricultural ones. Therefore, employers and employees must engage in preventive measures like ergonomic adjustment of working conditions and proper footwear to minimize the effect of working conditions in a particular occupation on the feet.

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