ISSN : 2663-2187

Prevalence of osteoporosis and osteopenia in females of Sulaymaniyah city, Kurdistan Region of Iraq

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Hawar Sardar Hassan, A. Salomy Monica Diyya, Hemn Mahmwd Omer, Shokh Mukhtar Ahmad, Noel Vinay Thomas *
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024. 1816-1825


Osteopenia is a clinical term referring to the condition of decreased bone mineral density which reflects the underlying damage occurring in the microarchitecture of the bone. A specific pattern of bone mineralization is seen with respect to person’s age and gender right from birth to adulthood. A few researchers proved that after the age of 30, there will be a steady and natural loss of bone mass as the age progresses. However, the bone mineralization maintenance is determined by hereditary factors, nutritional status, body mass and hormonal environment. The present study includes the measurement of bone density of female individuals by DEXA scan. The sample size includes 122 females from Sulaymaniyah of Kurdistan region, Iraq. The bone density is determined and compared with the T-score to check the prevalence of osteoporosis and osteopenia. Thus, obtained results are statistically analyzed by using SPSS software and age-wise distribution and trend of osteopenia and osteoporosis is obtained. The present investigation showed that as age progresses the risk for osteopenia and osteoporosis increases. The incidence of osteopenia and osteoporosis has risen significantly in the females with menopause. It is evidenced from the results that the women with the age below 40 are presented with osteopenia and the women above the age of 40 with osteoporosis. The maximum number of women presented with both osteoporosis and osteopenia is seen in age group ranging from 60-70 years of age. This investigation helps the medical team to focus on therapeutic management and lifestyle changes to be followed to lessen the chances of loss of bone mass. The recommendations include correction of calcium and vitamin D deficiency, cessation of smoking and alcohol consumption, consumption of balanced diet that include dairy products and exposure to sunlight.

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