ISSN : 2663-2187

Qualitative and Quantitative analysis of Siddha Polyherbal formulation “Kadukkai nei”

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Arunachalam A , Prasath S , Swathi S , Mahalakshmi V , Chitra V , Muthu kumar NJ
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.7365-7379


The Siddha system of medicine gaining its attention globally due to its vast healing property, therapeutic effect and minimal side effect etc., and different forms of internal medicine and external medicine are available. Ghee is one form of internal medicine as mentioned in ancient Siddha classical text. Safety is main criteria for drug development; physiochemical analysis is the preliminary step to ensure drug safety. Kadukkai nei is indicated for Athithoolam. Athithoolam/ Obesity is nothing but abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat in body which results in over weight. In India obesity is major life style disorder and accounts for 20 % of total population and it is the major risk factor for the development of diabetes mellitus, hypertension and other life style disorder. Kadukkai nei is prepared as per ancient Siddha classical text Agasthiyar vaithiya vallathy 600 and its physiochemical characters like Colour, Odour, viscosity, Rancidity, Iodine value, Saponifiction value, pesticide residues, microbial contamination, heavy metals analyses, Chromatography were tested. Kadukkai nei is Yellow in colour, greasy in consistency, contains no pesticide residues and microbial contamination, heavy metals are under below quantification level. From the results, Kadukkai nei is safe to consume.

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