ISSN : 2663-2187

Reasons for Hematoma during blood sample collection

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Dipika Kumari, Anil Kumar
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.7308-7319


Hematoma is a common complication that can occur during blood sample collection. It refers to the collection of blood outside of the blood vessel, leading to the formation of a bruise-like appearance on the skin. This can be a cause of concern for both patient and healthcare provider, as it can cause discomfort and affect the accuracy of the blood sample.Depending on the location and severity, they can range from small bruises to large, life-threatening collections of blood. Common symptoms of a hematoma include pain, swelling and discoloration of the affected area. In some cases, hematoma may also cause numbness or tingling if it compresses nerves.The diagnosis of a hematoma is typically made through physical examination and imaging tests such as ultrasound, MRI or CT scan. Treatment for a hematoma depends on its size and location, but it often involves rest, ice therapy and pain management. Diagnosis of hematoma can be challenging due to its similar symptoms with other conditions such as inaccurate medical history, limited imaging techniques, delayed onset of symptoms and misinterpretation of imaging results.The present research study describes about the reasons of hematoma cause during blood sample collection. Sample count is taken under consideration with the consecutive years such as 2021 and 2022 to identify the reason behind the hematoma during blood sample collection. Quantitative analysis is performed with the secondary data analysis during blood sample collection from the patient. Initiative reason of Hematoma cause is identified by various categories from the total blood sample collection count

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