ISSN : 2663-2187

Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Leaf Anatomy and Micromorphology for New Zingiberaceae Species in Borneo

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ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.7635-7658


This study aims to explore and document the micromorphological characteristics of four newly identified species of the Zingiberaceae family in Singai Bau, Sarawak: Sulettaria meekiongii, Alpinia songet, Zingiber singaiensis, and Amomum jackliamii, using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Conducted in the biodiverse region of Mount Sijanjang Singai, the research focuses on the anatomical features of leaves, including trichomes, stomata, epidermal cells, subsidiary cells, epicuticular wax, and glands. Collaborating with botanists and utilizing herbarium records and MyBIS for classification, the study meticulously prepared leaf samples for highresolution SEM imaging. Findings revealed distinct anatomical features: Sulettaria meekiongii exhibited long non-glandular trichomes and rectangular wax patterns; Alpinia songet displayed diverse trichome distributions and protective wax layers; Zingiber singaiensis showed smooth resinous layers and stunted trichomes; and Amomum jackliamii featured dense stomatal arrangements and fissured wax. Additionally, the study assessed the traditional uses and ecological significance of these species within the Bidayuh community, highlighting the integration of traditional knowledge and scientific techniques. This research provides a foundational understanding of micromorphological diversity within the Zingiberaceae family, demonstrating the value of combining traditional knowledge with modern scientific approaches for holistic biodiversity conservation.

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