ISSN : 2663-2187

Stem Cells For A Smile Reborn : Regenerative Strategies In Dentistry

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Ojas Anand Gajbhiye* , Sooriaprakas C , Rudra Pratap Singh , Akshata Rao, Santa Kalita , Nandita Sorte, C Pradeep
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024. 3674-3692


In the modern era, dentistry goes beyond simple prosthesis replacement; it's forging ahead into the future with the goal of tissue augmentation through regeneration. Regenerative dentistry encompasses a wide array of techniques and procedures aimed at restoring and enhancing oral function, aesthetics, and overall quality of life. It's a cutting-edge realm where science meets artistry, with recent breakthroughs that harness regenerative techniques to enhance oral health and function, wherein dental implants lead the charge. From bone grafting to tissue engineering marvels, these innovations have paved the way for successful implant placement, periodontal rejuvenation, ridge augmentation, soft tissue augmentation, denture stabilization to maxillofacial reconstruction and craniofacial prosthetics, regenerative dentistry offers hope to enhance treatment planning and execution. With the integration of bioactive materials and digital technologies, precision and customization have reached new heights. In the domain of regenerative advancements, we transcend mere restoration; we pioneer the evolution of possibility, where new beginnings flourish and old limitations fade into insignificance. This review article focuses exclusively on the evolution and potential of regenerative dentistry, shedding light on its role in reshaping the future of dental care.

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