ISSN : 2663-2187

The Impact of Emotional Intelligence and Performance on Employee Stability Among IT Employees: A Mediated Model With Reference to Coimbatore City

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Mrs. Amala Joy, Dr. P. Rajini
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.2610-2621


IT teams spend their days facing difficult clients and juggling constantly changing organizational priorities, making Emotional Intelligence (EI) a critical workplace skill. Objective of Study: The level of EI among the IT employees in Coimbatore city is studied both at high and low levels, its impact on their performance as well as emotional stability is being measured with this study. From a set of IT professionals, qualitative and quantitative data was assessed by the use of surveys as well as interviews. For instance, a study has shown that high EI employees perform better at work in the form of improved customer service skills, more efficient teamwork, and adaptable decision-making. In contrast, individuals with a low EI usually have problems in dealing effectively with others and specific situations as well as they do not really enjoy their work. In addition, emotional stability is shown to be a major mediator linking EI with resilience and well-being among employees working under stressful conditions (Venkatesh& Beg Siddiqa et al., 2018). This study suggests that the design of EI developing programs specifically for IT employees can mitigate several approaches and positive workplace outcomes among them employee satisfaction.

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