ISSN : 2663-2187

The Impact of Organization Culture oEmployee Behaviors

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1Subasri T s, Dr A.Ravikumar
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.6305-6320


This study delves into the intricate dynamics between organizational culture and employee behavior, aiming to elucidate the profound impact of culture on various aspects of employee conduct within organizations. Drawing upon a multi-dimensional research framework, the study investigates how organizational culture shapes employee attitudes, values, and actions, thereby influencing organizational effectiveness and performance. By surveying 120 participants, the research evaluates the effectiveness of organizational culture training programs and crossfunctional activities. By using the PARAMERTICS TOOLS such as (Correlation, Regression, Chi-square, and One-Way Annova). This study’s findings provide valuable recommendations for employee behavior for optimizing and sustaining growth in the organizational culture

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