ISSN : 2663-2187

Underutilized plants of North East India: A promising source for Anti-inflammatory Treatment

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Shabnam Khatun, Tsering Phuntso, Rohit Sahu, Afra Begum, Suida Jakiya Muhsinin, Bhargab Sarma, Just Merry A.B Marak, Rajesh E Jesudasan, Sourav Deka
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024. 2918-2943


Since the dawn of civilization, humans have forged an intimate alliance with nature. Plants, a cornerstone of existence, have provided not only sustenance but also medicine. Sophisticated traditional medicine systems, practiced for millennia, serve as testaments to this reliance. In estimates by the World Health Organization, a staggering 80% of the global population still utilizes traditional medicines for primary healthcare. Northeast India, a biodiversity hotspot nestled in the Eastern Himalayas, harbors a remarkable wealth of plant life. This rich flora has fostered a deep connection between indigenous communities and their environment, leading to the development of a robust ethnomedicinal tradition. Tribal communities, acting as stewards of this knowledge, have passed down generations of wisdom regarding the therapeutic properties of various plant species. This knowledge informs traditional healing practices like Ayurveda and Unani, where specific plants are used to target a wide range of ailments, from inflammatory conditions to infectious diseases. Plants offer a potential avenue for treating inflammation, analogous to their role in other ailments. The success of this approach depends on the specific phytoconstituents (bioactive compounds) found within the plant. This study focuses on some underutilized plants found in Northeast India, the geographical distribution of these plants, the documented ethnomedicinal uses for treating inflammation and other ailments, and the identification of their major phytoconstituents. By exploring these underexploited resources, the study seeks to contribute valuable knowledge to the field of ethnopharmacology.

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