ISSN : 2663-2187

Utilizing Checklists in Dissection Hall for First MBBS Students: An Educational Intervention Study

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Sachin Patil*, Madhu Sethi
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024. 2645-2651


Background. The utilization of checklists as an instructional strategy in anatomical dissection laboratories for First MBBS students can notably enrich the educational process through the provision of a methodical and unbiased approach. Methods. This was an educational interventional study with a sample size of 150 participants from the MBBS phase-1 undergraduate students at GAIMS, Bhuj, Gujarat. The intervention included sharing a checklist during the teaching of gross anatomy in the dissection hall through five conducted sessions covering topics such as the Liver, Femoral triangle, Cubital fossa, Larynx, and Heart. Pre-tests and feedback using a 5-point Likert scale were collected from 145 students after each session. Data compilation and statistical analysis were conducted. Results. Overall, statistically significant(P<0.0001) improvement from the pre-test to post-test results. The majority of those who completed the feedback indicated that either agreed or strongly agreed that the educational intervention of checklist was beneficial to their learning. Contrarily, only a minimal (7%) of faculties indicated that they did not find the intervention to be beneficial. Conclusion. Using checklists in a gross anatomy laboratory improves learning outcomes and dissection quality. It is time saving, interesting, and provides greater experiential learning of the topic to students, ensuring they acquire the necessary skills and knowledge comprehensively and systematically.

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