ISSN : 2663-2187

Village Community Understanding of the Implementation of Environmental Policies based on the Principles of Good Village Governance

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Pitojo Budiono , Nafisa Hidayatul Fitri , Eny Puspasari , Maulana Mukhlis , Nur Ahmad Fadli , Christine Wulandari , Adella Putri Apriliani , Fadela Yunika Sari
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.6497-6508


The environment is strongly influenced by the state of the community in managing and caring for it, because the environment as a medium of life support is important for living things, especially humans. The role of the government as a facilitator for the community in managing the environment requires a program using the principles of Good Village Governance so that environmental sustainability can be used sustainably. The purpose of this study aims to determine the understanding of the village community on the meaning of Good Village Governance towards environmental sustainability in Cilimus village. This village is important because it is a buffer village for the Wan Abdul Rahman (WAR) Forest Park area. This research uses a qualitative method based on the community's experience in managing the environment in the village and its surroundings. Based on the results of the analysis, it is known that in descriptive analysis, on the variable of policy understanding, respondents stated that "Policies are made based on the needs and interests of members and environmental sustainability" are those that are strongly felt by the Cilimus Village Community (mean average score of 3.548 or very high). In the descriptive analysis of the 5 Good Village Governance variables, respondents stated that "Members of the Forest Farmers Group have known and obeyed the law on sustainable environmental management" was the most prominent thing in their village (mean score of 3.321 or high). This means that the Cilimus village government has high responsiveness.

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