ISSN : 2663-2187

Work-Life Balance of Faculties in A Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital in Central India: A Cross-Sectional Study

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Swapnali Bangartale (Bansode) , Nishant Dhodre, Madhur Gupta, Harsh Salankar, Hriday Deshmukh
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.7156-7171


Aim: This study looks into the work-life balance of teaching staff in tertiary care teaching hospital in central India. It investigates the influence of work-related, personal, and familial aspects on their capacity to balance their professional and personal lives. The survey also examines the teaching faculty's understanding of work-life balance difficulties in these healthcare facilities. Methodology: This was survey-based cross-sectional research. The research was conducted for one month at a multi-specialty teaching hospital in central India. All doctors who are working as teaching faculty in various departments were included in our study. In this study, a convenient sampling approach was adopted. A selfcompletion structured questionnaire with closed-ended questions is developed for the research study.

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