ISSN : 2663-2187

Dharwad Characteristic Polynomial and Dharwad Energy of Graphs

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Lisa Rani Alex, Mathew Varkey T.K
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.Si3.2024.2843-2849


Let G be a finite, undirected, simple graph with a set of vertices V(G) and edge set E(G). The Dharwad Matrix of G is a matrix of order n⨯n whose (i,j)^thentry is √((deg(v_i ) )^3+(deg(v_j ) )^3 ) if v_i and v_jare adjacent and 0 if v_i and v_jare not adjacent. Let the eigen values of the Dharwad Matrix A_D (G) be λ_1≥λ_2≥....≥λ_n. These are the Dharwad characteristic polynomial's roots. The Dharwad energy E_D (G) is the total of the absolute values of eigen values of A_D (G). The Dharwad energy and characteristic polynomial for some specific graphs are found in this paper.

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