ISSN : 2663-2187

From Data to Harvest - Optimizing Crop Selection with Crop Recommendation System

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Isaac Malsawma, R. Chawngsangpuii and Lalhmingliana
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.13.2024.1277-1289


As the foundation of the source of livelihood for a significant amount of the population and the Indian economy, agriculture is of paramount significance in the country. Being a major employer and contributor to India's GDP, farmers are crucial to the country's economic health. They produce a wide range of crops and engage in a wide range of agricultural activities, all of which contribute significantly to food security. Small landholdings, outmoded agricultural methods, water shortages, and market swings are just a few of the obstacles that Indian farmers encounter, despite the significance of their work. One such approach that shows promise in solving this problem is the combination of Machine Learning and Data Analytics. Precision agriculture aims in improving the efficiency, accuracy, and sustainability in farming by using data-driven approaches and cutting-edge technology. We provide a crop suggestion system in this article with the goal of assisting Indian farmers in making better judgments regarding the crops to plant by examining the geographical features of their fields, including other parameters such as soil type and environmental conditions, using data analytics.

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