ISSN : 2663-2187

From Disposal to Asset: Comprehensive Insights into the Utilization and Management of Marine Shell Industrial Waste

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K. Kiran Kumar, Dr. R. V. Hemavathy*, S. Shruthi, M. R. Karanjith
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024. 2192-2214


The surge in global seafood production has led to a significant increase in marine shell waste, posing economic burdens on waste management systems worldwide. In regions heavily reliant on seafood production, such as coastal areas of India, shell waste accumulation is particularly pronounced. Understanding the composition of marine shell waste is crucial for developing effective utilization and management strategies. The current study presents insights into the utilization and management of marine shell waste across different sectors, including seafood processing, aquaculture, manufacturing, biotechnology, and construction. Bivalve shells, crustacean shells, and Mollusc shells are identified as major components of marine shell waste, with calcium carbonate, chitin, proteins, and aragonite being predominant constituents. Various potential applications of these components, such as soil amendments, animal feed additives, biodegradable plastics, and construction materials, are discussed. Utilization methods for extracting valuable components from marine shell waste are explored, including chemical and fermentation processes. Overall, this study highlights the transition of marine shell waste from a disposal burden to a valuable asset. By adopting innovative technologies and sustainable practices, industries can maximize the value and utility of shell waste, contributing to both economic prosperity and environmental conservation in coastal regions.

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