ISSN : 2663-2187

Survival Analysis of a Stochastic Model on Acute Kidney Injury Progression

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Shikha Bhardwaj, Dr. Rajeev Kumar
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024.5191-5208


The aim of the present paper is to analyze a stochastic model on patient’s acute kidney injury progression and to investigate important parameters involved in the model that can be controlled to enhance survivability of the patient. Stochastic modeling and analysis of acute kidney injury patient is carried out using the concepts of Markov process and regenerative point technique. The expressions for mean sojourn time, mean survival time and survivability of the patient are obtained and then conclusions are drawn on the basis of numerical computations and graphical study. Sensitivity and relative sensitivity analyses are also carried out to judge the impact of different parameters on mean survival time and survivability of the patient. The study carries out sensitivity analysis of acute kidney injury patients through stochastic modeling and analysis approach to judge the important parameters that can help to enhance survivability of the patients.

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