ISSN : 2663-2187

The Impact of Ethanol Leaf Extract from Cassia Angustifolia on The Cardiovascular System and Lipid Profile of Wister Rats

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Anurag Rawat1*, Gajanand Pujari2, Rakesh Verma3, Neha Chauhan4, Vettrivel Arul5, Dharmender6, Arun Kumar M. S7,Ms. Sona M8, Jamal Basha Dudekula9, DowluruSVGK Kaladhar10, Arpan Kumar Tripathi11
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 9733-9745


The human heart siphons oxygen-rich blood to the body's tissues through the circulatory system, which additionally diverts side effects like carbon dioxide. Jeopardising heart tissue or cells is a grave matter. Cassia angustifolia is a typical solution for gastrointestinal issues among native individuals. The reason for this audit is to decide the impacts of Cassia angustifolia on circulatory boundaries and the heart. The animals were chosen in view of their sex. While Get-together 1 got 10 ml/kg of refined water, Packs 2, 3, and 4 were given individually 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg of Cassia angustifolia. The creatures were kept in standard enclosures and furnished with food, drink, and the extract orally for 30 days preceding being gauged and butchered. The patient's blood was immediately drawn for haematological and chemo-obsessive testing after a heart cut. The conceivable histopathological poisonousness of the plant to the kidney was inspected utilising the H&E staining procedure. Albeit the amounts of platelets, neutrophils, basophils, and eosinophils were steady, RBC, HGB, and MCV declined altogether (P<0.16). The extract didn't altogether change the degrees of fatty substances, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or cholesterol (P<0.16). There was a huge expansion in the grouping of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) (P<0.16). There was insignificant harm to the heart's tissue, as indicated by the histological assessment. The outcomes propose that the plant might affect the cardiovascular system, especially when utilised for quite a while.Ethanol Leaf Extract, Cardiovascular System, Cassia Angustifolia, Wister Rats, Lipid Profile.

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